1. 昨日行われた、外務省、ハーグ国際私法会議(HCCH)事務局、早稲田大学が共催する「ハーグ条約に係るアジア太平洋シンポジウム」に、午後の部だけですが、出席することができました
I attended the “Asia Pacific Symposium on
the 1980 Hague Convention” yesterday. The
symposium was jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,
the Hague Conference on Private International Law and Waseda University.
I was most impressed with a demonstration of mediation and conciliation. Questions regarding conciliation (e.g. a shuttle mediation, a role of judge who is a member of a conciliation committee), made me consider that a style of conciliation, which is familiar to Japanese lawyers, could be hard to understand for participants from some countries.
久しぶりの母校。 大学周辺の変貌にはびっくりですが この景色は変わりません。 |
シンポジウムは 早稲田大学の大隈小講堂で開催されました。 (初めて入ったかも…) |
2. 今日の午後は、国際委員会の企画で、在名古屋ブラジル総領事館を訪問しました。
I, as an international committee member of Aichi Bar Association, visited Consulate General of Brazil in
Nagoya, whose jurisdiction is a western region of Japan.
As voting is compulsory for persons over the age of eighteen, and military
service is compulsory for males over eighteen in Brazil, there are both voting
section and military service section in Consulate General, which may be new to many
After August 14th 2016, public documents issued in Japan with the “Apostille” (Certification
from Ministry of Foreign Affairs) will be valid in Brazil because Brazil joined
the Hague Convention (the Apostille Convention)