
名古屋大学で行われた“2016 Fintech Law Asia” & 名古屋城の清州櫓、那古野城跡、本丸御殿等を訪ねて(The Northwest Corner Turret, the Hommaru Palace, etc. of the Nagoya Castle)

1. 名古屋経済大学の法学研究科(大学院)で、今年4月から前期のみ、1コマ、「租税法基礎研究」を担当することになったのですが、その準備に精神的ゆとりを失いつつある今日この頃…(汗)。

2. 先月末になってしまいますが、名古屋大学でおこなわれた「2016 Fintech Law Asia」でケンブリッジ大学のロバート・ワードロップ氏の基調講演”The Asia-Pacific Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report-Harnessing Potential”やパネルディスカッション”The Crisis or Rise of Blockchain?”を聴く機会に恵まれました。
 そもそも、Alternative Financeとは何か?伝統的な銀行や資本市場からの資金調達にかわるもの…一般的にIT(情報技術)が不可欠であり、仮想通貨digital currencyやクラウドファンディングCrowd Fundingがこれにあたるのでしょう…。

I participated in the conference “2016 Fintech Law Asia”, which was held at Nagoya University at the end of April.  Mr. Robert Wardrop, Executive Director of Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance made a keynote speech on “The Asia-Pacific Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report-Harnessing Potential”.  Alternative Finance is the financial instruments and channels emerging outside of the traditional banking or capital market system.
Alternative Finance in Japan is growing rather slowly.
This March, an amendment bill to the Banking Act of Japan was submitted to the Cabinet.  Under the amendment bill, a registration system for digital currency exchangers is to be introduced.



(1)  ゴールデンウイークには、特別公開されていた名古屋城の西北隅櫓をみにいってきました。

The Northwest Corner Turret
"Kiyosu Turret"

(Important Cultural Property)

These kind of turrets were used
as a storage area for weapons
and sereved as an encampment
in an emergency.

A stone-drop window (Ishiotoshi)
The Donjon looking from
the window of the Northwest Corner Turret

The Northwest Corner Turret
I photographed from the Westin Nagoya Castle the ohter day.
(2) 名古屋城は、3回目ですが、裁判所の近くにありますので、城外からは、よ~く、よ~く、みています。1回目は小学生の頃、2回目は愛知万博の頃で、金鯱が地上に降りていて手で触れました(笑)。

The Tenshu (the Donjon)
The Donjon photographed
when I visited at the age of a primary schoolchild 
The entrance of the Hommmaru Palace

The omoteshoin, the main hall was used for official audiences.
The Donjon, The Southwest Conrner Turret, Front Second Gate
(from the left to the right)

(3) 名古屋城内の二の丸庭園には、「那古野城跡」があります。

The site of Nagoya Castle Ruins

(4) 信長公の居城を総括すると、勝幡城⇒那古野城⇒清須城⇒小牧山城⇒岐阜城⇒安土城となります。最近、お城の話題が続いて恐縮ですが、清州城、小牧山城、岐阜城についても、また、後日触れてみたいなと思います。 

I visited the Nagoya Castle during the Golden Week Holidays to see the Northwest Corner Turret (Seihoku Sumiyagura) which was open to the public only during the Holidays.  The Turret is a three-story building with a roof at each level, and it is said that many materials taken from the Kiyosu Castle were used in building the Turret in around 1619, because Ieyasu Tokugawa ordered, in 1610, the construction of the Nagoya Castle and the abandon of the Kiyosu Castle.

In the age of the provincial wars ahead of Edo era, the Imagawa clan built a castle near the site of the later Ninomaru Palace, which was demolished after the Meiji Restoration.  The recent researchers strongly suggest that Oda Nobuhide seized it from Imagawa Ujitoyo in 1538, and moved in from the Shobata Castle with his eldest son, Nobunaga Oda, the legendary warload of Owari (the western part of Aichi)..

The Hommaru Palace was designated as national treasure in 1930, but burned down during WWII.  The palace is under restoration based on respect for the remaining historical evidence, and only an Omote Shoin (a Main Hall) is now open to the public.

The Tenshu (the Donjon) with six-stories and five external levels, which was also designated as national treasure in 1930,  burned down during WWII, and so, the present Donjon was rebuilt in reinforced concrete in 1959.  On the occasion of Aichi Expo 2005, the golden "Shachi" (an imaginary animal which is said to be able to summon water and have come to be used as charms for preventing fire) was taken down from the roof of the Nagoya Castle and displayed within the grounds of the Castle (I could touch it at that time!).  Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura announced a plan of reconstruction of the Donjon in wood, just as in the original structure, which I really appreciate.